Crazy ways to use skateboards for organizing!
Who would have thought the humble skateboard could be used in so many innovative (ingenious?!) ways to organize? Not us! We were looking for new and ‘out there’ ideas to share with you and came across these unbelievable ways to use skateboards.
Male, female, teenager or adult, we are about to blow you away with the most incredible organizing ‘tools’ we’ve seen in a long time. And trust us, we’ve seen literally thousands of ways to organize, but this is the most exciting thing we’ve seen in a long time. Those of you who have tripped (repeatedly!!) over a skateboard will truly appreciate why we are so eager to share these ideas with you. I mean, where do you store them? They fall out of the closet, trip you up at the doorway and slide down the wall when you try to prop them up. So how is the best way to store a skateboard?
Ta-da!! Now we realize the skateboard isn’t being used as an organizational tool, but what a cool way to store your skateboard AND organize at the same time? Brilliant!
You could use the shelf to hold books, tablets, jewelry, speakers, etc. Modern and useful! Win-win! Another way to organize your collection of skateboards!
If you have retired boards, you could attached them to the wall horizontally and use them to organize your belongings. Looking for a creative solution for a small book case? Look no further!
How about organizing your books on a horizontal skateboard shelf? Cool skateboard bookends are a great way to organize your books! Need to organize purses? Jewelry? Pet leashes? Skateboards to the rescue! Can you think of ways to incorporate skateboards into organizing your bathroom or kitchen? Truthfully, we thought nah, not going to happen. But, as difficult as it is to admit it, we were wrong. Yes, we said the ‘W’ word, but quickly changed it to the ‘other w word’ – WOW!! Look at these amazing and creative ways to once again use the humble skateboard as an organizing tool! Seriously?! Talk about thinking outside of the box! Love it!
Spice racks? Shower rods? Stairs? Stop!! Enough already! Take a look at all these unbelievable ways to incorporate skateboards into organizing your space. Wow. Simply, wow. Isn’t it amazing what happens when you let creativity take over? If you are inspired by these photos and want to skateboard your way into organizing a space of your own, please contact us and we will be happy to guide you on your journey! If you prefer, we can hop on our own skateboards and meet you for a free 30 minute consultation.
As usual, our blog contains regular tips and tricks, including organizing lists free to download, to help with your next project. Follow us on Pinterest, too, for even more organizing goodness!
Photos from